Fanny by Holly Hobbie

Browsing in a local toystore before Christmas, I picked up this book. I hadn't heard anything about it but am a big fan of Hollie Hobbie (Toot and Puddle) and was drawn to the little girl on the front.

I began to flip through it and then actually stood there and read every page, every word. It is a book that just resonates with me and emphasizes some of the lessons I try to teach the kids every day.

Fanny is a little girl who really wants the doll that her friends have - think Barbie meets Bratz. Her mom says no. Not because she has too many toys, not because it's too expensive - Just because she doesn't like them. "Because they're just too.... much."

So, Fanny takes to her room, pulls together some scraps and old clothes, and creates her own doll. Fanny is creative and resourceful and tender and worried about what her friends think. She learns that sometimes it's actually better to make something yourself than to buy the one that everyone else has. Can you see why I love this book?

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